Welcome to The IIA's Mailing List
We want to provide you with the information you find most helpful through the communication channels you prefer. Please select the communication you wish to receive 
Email and Phone Communication
Promotional Email
Email communications notify you of new products and services provided by The IIA.
Promotional Phone Calls and Texts
You give The IIA permission to call or send you texts about offers, as well as products and services we provide.
IIA Integrated Emails
Email newsletters — The Standard, The Advantage, and The Network — each sent monthly, combine content, tools, training, and resources.
IIA Magazine Emails
A monthly email from Internal Auditor, The IIA’s award-winning magazine, shares timely, indispensable information to help you keep pace with the latest news and trends in internal auditing.
Chapter Emails
Email notifications from your local chapter. These can include meeting notes, training opportunities, and more.
IIA Topic Emails
Monthly emails that focus on specific topics, such as financial services, the public sector, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG), to help you address challenges in each area.
Tone at the Top
A bi-monthly email newsletter that provides executive management, boards of directors, and audit committees with information on establishing the appropriate tone at the top.
3rd Party Emails
Emails from The IIA’s Principal Partners and industry leaders that reference products and services for internal auditors.
Postal Mail Communication
Promotional Postal Mail
You will receive postal mail from The IIA that contains messaging about products and services that will help you throughout your career. 
3rd Party Postal Mail
You will receive postal mail from The IIA’s Principal Partners and industry leaders that reference products and services for internal auditors.
Chapter Postal Mail
You will receive postal mail notifications from your local chapter. These can include meeting notes, training opportunities, and more.
Unsubscribe from all communication
Please allow up to 10 business days for unsubscribe changes to take effect. By unsubscribing, you will no longer be enrolled in marketing emails from The IIA. However, you will still receive necessary communications regarding your membership or subscription.